Benefits of yoga during work from home

Idecution’s blog on yoga for work from home

Benefits of yoga during work from home

“Yoga is a way of living” - how many times have we heard this being said around us? Yet, it is only around 21st June every year that we see a majority of people talking about Yoga on social media and companies organising Yoga classes or sessions. Have you ever wondered what happens during the rest of the year?

People who understand the benefits of Yoga practise it regularly and make steady progress towards their goal of a healthy mind and body. They often devote dedicated time to their Yoga practice. While it is great if you can do so, you can reap the benefits of Yoga even if you have a desk job and are sedentary for 8-12 hours a day. So, how can you include Yoga in your daily routine?

Here are some simple asanas which can be practised even during your workday. These help keep us in our best form, both physically and mentally.

Netra Snan (Estimated time: 5-7 mins)

This is beneficial for people who work in front of their screens (both laptops and phones) for the major part of their waking hours. For example, yes, you guessed that right…those working in a digital marketing agency.

In this, you have to fill your mouth with water, and then hold that water in your mouth. Now, splash water on your face 8-10 times and then spit out the water that you were holding in your mouth. Repeat this 3 times. Once done, close your eyes and let the water dry on its own. Your eyes will feel refreshed after this.

You can do it 3 times during your work day. Doing this before you have your lunch helps to activate the enzymes in your mouth which aid digestion. Even otherwise, it does wonders for your eyes.

Marjariasana (Estimated time: 3-5 mins)

Many of us complain of backaches during and after completing our day’s work. This is because we don’t take enough regular breaks or because of our incorrect postures. This asana can help to keep your back happy and relieve the back pain.

This can be easily done either at the end of the day. If you have a hectic day, you can do it twice (once before the lunch break and once at the end of the workday). Perform 20 repetitions of this and your back will definitely thank you for it. Click here to see the instructions for performing this asana.

Dwikonasana (Estimated time: 3-5 mins)

This pose also helps to relieve the back and is especially good for the lower back. At times, the shoulders and the portion around the neck area feel stiff after working for long hours. This posture helps to relieve all of that stiffness. All you need is three repetitions and holding each for 20 secs. The instructions for performing this asana are available in the following variations:

Variation 1

Variation 2

Anulom Vilom Pranayam (Estimated time: 5-10 mins)

Occasionally, we all face situations where we either feel anxious or tense about something at work. It could be that we simply had a loooong day and don't feel fresh enough to do anything else. This simple breathing exercise can help to relax the mind and make you feel fresh.

The steps to follow are:

1. Sit in a cross-legged position, keeping your spine and neck straight. If you are doing it during your working hours, you can do this sitting on your chair as well. Just make sure that your spine and neck are in a straight line.

2. Close your eyes and try to focus on your breathing.

3. Rest the outer wrist of your left hand on your left knee.

4. Using your right hand, fold your middle and index fingers toward your palm.

5. Place your thumb on your right nostril and your ring finger on your left nostril.

6. Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left nostril, slowly and deeply, until your lungs are full. Focus on your breathing.

7. Next, release your thumb and close your left nostril with your ring finger.

8. Exhale slowly through the right nostril.

9. Now practice it in reverse, this time inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.

Depending upon your comfort level, you can do this for 5-10 mins.

We at Idecution hope you are able to put these asanas to good use and get going on your Yoga journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the personal experience of Idecutors who love their work and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well. The asanas in no way should be construed as medical advice. The videos provided are for reference and carry no commercial endorsements.